
49 Remember the word of Your servant, Upon which You have caused me to hope.

50 This is my comfort in my affliction, For Your word has given me life.

51 The proud have me in great derision, Yet I do not turn aside from Your law.

52 I remember Your judgement of old, O Lord, and have comforted myself

53 Indignation has taken hold of me Because of the wicked, who forsake Your law.

54 Your Statutes have been my songs In the house of my pilgrimage

55 I remember Your name in the night, O Lord, And I keep Your law.

56 This has become mine, Because I kept Your precepts.

Psalm 119:49-56

The words of God are a solid foundation upon which men may safely build their hope (Matthew 7:24-7). The Lord not only has given us His Word but has also implanted hope in our hearted in that blessed Word.

It is better that God’s Word is a solace in every time of trial. Those who are in need of comfort will find a never-failing supply in the Word of God. Even if the divine solace does not remove the affliction, it will lift the distressed above the affliction.

The proud, insolent, presumptuous, these godless souls scorned and ridiculed the psalmist for his belief in God, but he refused to swerve from obedience to the law of God. The wicked delight in mocking the righteous, but the mockery, far from disheartening, should serve to strengthen the resolve of the righteous to follow God’s commandments.

From times past as I read your word, I recall the Lord’s dealing with His saints and you have never failed to be a solace and a comfort. Therefore, from time to time it is fitting that we should review the providential leadings of our Lord. This will give us present courage and future hope.

It is in horror I think upon the wicked who do not observe God’s law. The law which gives the Psalmist such comfort and joy is thought of so callously and carelessly but the wicked. Therefore, the wicked mocked him and it did not seem to cause him great concern or alarm as the fact that they were forsaking the law. Why is the psalmist alarmed? Because he knowns that eventually the wicked would be destroyed because of their disregard for the law.

Throughout life’s journey the songs of the pilgrims have cheered the lonely wayfarer. For we are all pilgrims on this earth. Our true home is to be home with Jesus in His heavenly some. So as we travel toward that distant land we can sing the songs of that fair domain. The theme of our sons should be that of the psalmist, the wonderful character of God as revealed in the law of God, which shows us the true character of God.

When I lay awake at night, during those long sleepless hours of the night may they be profitably spent in meditating upon God and His law.

All this has become mine because I delight in Your law and your precepts. I meditate upon You day and night and this has become my comfort, my courage, and gives me the power to sing because of the hope that is within me and because I obey God’s precepts, all these blessings come to me in the path of obedience.


17 responses to “Remembering”

  1. Pastor, please tell me I did not offend you. My English can be bad at times. What I do mean is that even if we have some beliefs that are different, we are brother sister in Christ and He is the judge of all. PLEASE let’s connect and if I have hurt your feelings I humbly ask for forgiveness. I love you in Christ. Please respond about the link. God bless you and what you write, I know is inspired by the Holy Spirit, of that I am sure!


    1. Hi Pat,
      Oh no I am not offended at all. Christ taught that there are many that will be saved from all walks of life, Jew, Gentile, Christian and I even believe Christ taught that non-Christians will be saved. Far be it from me to judge what others believe. It is God only that should judge. I have seen many non-Christians that had the true Christian spirit more so than the Christians around them. Do not feel I would condemn or judge you because we have different beliefs. I am just thankful you are a Christian who searches for the truth.
      Pastor Lester

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Pastor I thank God for you because you truly have a heart after God. Please can we restart and I find out how to link so people will have even more to read. PLEASE!


        1. Yes, I will work on it later this week.

          Liked by 1 person

  2. I must repost and come to your blog site later. Very nice post< gives hope.


    1. I am so happy you liked it

      Pastor Lester

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I do not read much but I do love your posts when I find time to read them. Thank you for your hard work for the Gospel, our Lord Jesus.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Hi Pat,
      You may repost anything from my site you would like to or link from your site to mine. I would appreciate it.
      Pastor Lester

      Liked by 1 person

      1. how do I link your site to mine? Truly I do not know, lol


        1. Hi Pat,
          Not sure, something we will have to explore tomorrow. Its late, been a full day I did a hour and half study in prison today for prison ministries and before that gave the sermon.
          Pastor Lester

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Dear Pastor, I did read about your core beliefs that are not truly mine but we are still brother and sister in Christ and you write in a very blessed way. I still think that what divide the different Churches are not terrible differences, What do you think? I am a born again Christian that believes in the millenium etc. I do not think that the differences are so big or, am I wrong? Please let me know tomorrow what you think?


          2. Hi Pat,
            John 10:16 says “And other sheep I have which are not of this fold; them also I must bring, and they will hear My voice; and there will be one flock and one shepherd.” Christ is our Shepherd and states that in many folds “denomination or churches” he has many faithful sheep. They follow Jesus wherever He leads for He is their shepherd. I am committed to spreading the gospel message as I have studied it for myself, hoping to promote more Bible study in those that take of their valuable time to read my blog.

            Pastor Lester

            Liked by 1 person

          3. I love you in Christ and that is number 1


      2. PLEASE link us I have no idea how.


      3. OK I must ask you too please

