2666bdc0066b7c78ee97fee2c134e46dThe Fragrance of Christ

“Now thanks be unto God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.” II Corinthians 2:14

A Christian is a living bottle of perfume!

“Wherever I go, thank God, he makes my life a constant pageant of triumph in Christ, diffusing the perfume of his knowledge everywhere by me” (Moffatt).   We have this treasure – this “perfume of his knowledge” – in earthen vessels.  And we are to diffuse this perfume everywhere we go.

A little boy was given a bottle of perfume.  He took it out to show to his playmates. But first he hid it behind his back and said, “you cannot guess what I have!”  The boy were very curious, so at the right moment he held it high above his heads and exclaimed, “Fumery, that’s what it is – fumery.”  The boy examined the bottle carefully and read what they could on the label. One of them finally said, “ah, that’s just printin.” Why don’t you take the cord out of he bottle and we’ll tell you whether it is genuine or not.”

Soon the boy had his knife working on the cork, and when the cork was pulled out the boy all took a keep whiff.  One of them said with an air of finality, “Say, that’s the real stuff, isn’t it?”

There is a great need for all Christians to take the cork out of the bottle and let the world breathe the fragrance of the rose of Sharon blooming in our hearts.

Someone may say, “well I have been a member of the church for many years, My name is on the church books,” But it is not enough to have our names printed on the church books.  The little boy said of the label on the bottle, “ah that’s just printin.”  Perhaps we need to take the cord out of the bottle and let eh world take a deep whiff to find out whether it is genuine.  Is the Rose of Sharon blooming in your heart?

“For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing.” II Corinthians 2:15.

So on this Thanksgiving day, let us all decide to be the fragrance of Christ among all those we live around.  And through your fragrance all those around you will become changed and God will bestow His blessings upon us all.  Then next year when it is thanksgiving again, we can be thankful for the many who have been affected by the fragrance of Christ.

3 responses to “The Fragrance of Christ”

  1. I want to not only be the fragrance of Christ but to be a walking epistles. Thank you for sharing and more grace.


    1. Hi Whitney,
      Thank you for taking the time to read my post.
      Pastor Lester


      1. You are most welcome pastor

